September 08, 2023

QA Staff Augmentation: A Strategic Approach to Scaling Your Team

Rodion Salnik

CTO and Co-founder, Brocoders

12 min

Quality assurance in software development is the foundation upon which the success of modern businesses largely depends. In an age where software is permeating every aspect of our lives, from mobile apps to web platforms, ensuring these applications function flawlessly is paramount. Companies that prioritize QA not only deliver superior user experiences but also safeguard their brand reputation, customer loyalty, and revenue streams.

The importance of QA is further underscored by statistics showing its widespread use. According to industry reports, businesses worldwide are allocating an increasing share of their budgets to QA and testing, with the global software testing market expected to reach the $90 billion mark by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 5% in the 2023-2032 period. Companies in the technology, software development, and IT sectors tend to use QA most extensively, as their core business operations are often deeply intertwined with software and digital applications. However, QA is increasingly important across various industries due to the rapidly growing reliance on technology and software to support business functions and enhance customer experiences.

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As the tech landscape is evolving at breakneck speed, the role of QA will only become more crucial. Companies that fail to invest in robust QA processes risk falling behind their competitors and alienating their user base. Currently, IT staff augmentation emerges as one of the most effective strategies for businesses seeking to excel in QA. By partnering with skilled QA professionals on a temporary or project-based basis, organizations can access top-tier talent, streamline testing processes, and elevate the quality of their software products.

This article focuses on the game-changing strategy of QA staff augmentation, with all the pros and cons of this approach. You’ll discover how to choose the ideal augmentation company and harness the full potential of QA staff augmentation for enhanced software quality, on-time project delivery, and cost savings. Continue reading and explore the key insights and best practices that can take your software development projects to the next level.

Navigating the Process: Understanding the Mechanics of QA Staff Augmentation

Staff augmentation is a strategic approach in which businesses augment their in-house teams with external talent to fill skill gaps, meet project demands, or enhance productivity. In quality assurance, staff augmentation involves temporary integrating QA professionals or teams into a company's existing QA processes to bolster testing capabilities and meet project demands.

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Staff augmentation emerged as a concept in the late 20th century as businesses began to explore flexible workforce solutions. This approach has experienced significant growth and evolution since its inception, reflecting changing workforce dynamics and the evolving needs of companies. The demand for staff augmentation continues to grow, driven by factors such as globalization, the need for specialized skills, and the desire for workforce flexibility. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of remote work and highlighted the value of staff augmentation in maintaining business continuity. The rise of platform-based work and talent marketplaces has made it easier for businesses to connect with skilled professionals for short-term or project-based work, providing more comprehensive solutions, including project management and consulting services.

Before diving into the mechanics of QA staff augmentation, it's crucial to grasp the fundamental principles behind this strategic approach. The core principles of QA staff augmentation encompass:

Identifying skill gaps. The process begins by identifying specific skill gaps or resource shortages within your in-house QA team. It could include a lack of specialized expertise, insufficient workforce to meet project deadlines or the need for additional QA resources during peak demand periods. Selecting the right augmentation partner. Carefully choose a reputable staff augmentation partner with expertise in QA and a track record of delivering quality assurance services. Evaluate their experience, skill set, and cultural fit with your organization. Defining project scope. Clearly outline the scope and objectives of your QA project. Define the roles and responsibilities of the augmented QA professionals and set expectations for deliverables, timelines, and communication protocols.

These principles form the foundational pillars upon which the QA staff augmentation process is built, providing a solid structure for effective implementation and successful project outcomes. However, the complete QA staff augmentation process encompasses additional steps that ensure seamless integration of external resources, alignment with project goals, and delivering high-quality results. Below, we’ve compiled all the stages that constitute the augmentation process, offering a comprehensive understanding crucial for businesses aiming to leverage the advantages of this strategic approach effectively.

Key Steps in QA Staff Augmentation

Needs Assessment

Collaborate with your staff augmentation partner to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment. Determine the specific QA skills and expertise required for your project.

Candidate Selection

The augmentation partner identifies suitable QA professionals based on the project's requirements. It may include QA analysts, testers, automation engineers, or specialists in security or performance testing. Below, we’ll consider the main criteria for choosing the right staff augmentation company.

Onboarding and Integration

Successful onboarding is crucial. Ensure that augmented staff have access to necessary tools, resources, and documentation. Integrate them into your existing QA team, establish communication channels, and align them with your project goals.

Project Execution

Augmented QA professionals actively participate in project execution, following established QA processes, test plans, and methodologies. They conduct thorough testing, identify defects, and collaborate closely with your in-house team to resolve issues.

Monitoring and Reporting

Regularly monitor the progress of the augmented QA team and maintain open communication. Your staff augmentation partner should provide ongoing status updates and QA performance metrics.

Quality Assurance

Emphasize the importance of maintaining quality throughout the augmentation process. Conduct regular quality checks to ensure the augmented team aligns with your organization's QA standards and practices.

Knowledge Transfer

As the project concludes, facilitate knowledge transfer sessions between the augmented QA professionals and your in-house team. It ensures that valuable insights and best practices are retained within your organization.

Project Closure

Evaluate the project's success, review key performance indicators, and document lessons learned. Consider feedback from your in-house team and the augmented QA professionals to improve future collaborations.

You should note that effective communication between your in-house team and augmented staff is critical for project success. Establish a communication plan to keep everyone aligned. By understanding the mechanics and fundamentals of QA staff augmentation and correctly implementing it into the company’s workflow, businesses can leverage this strategy to address their QA challenges effectively and achieve higher software quality.

Why QA Staff Augmentation Matters? Key Benefits and Business Advantages

QA staff augmentation offers businesses the flexibility, expertise, and cost-efficiency required to effectively meet their quality assurance needs. It can be a strategic decision to ensure your software solutions meet the highest quality standards while maintaining agility and cost control. Among the key benefits and business advantages of this approach are:


QA staff augmentation allows you to scale your QA resources up or down depending on the project requirements. You can quickly adjust your QA team's size to handle increased workloads during peak periods or reduce them during slower times, optimizing resource utilization and costs.

Expertise and specialization

Access to a pool of experienced QA professionals with diverse skill sets and expertise can help you tackle specific testing challenges or niche areas. Whether you need automation testing, performance testing, security testing, or specialized domain knowledge, you can find the right talent to meet your project requirements.

Faster time-to-market

By augmenting your QA team with skilled professionals, you can expedite testing processes and accelerate your product's time-to-market. It can be crucial in competitive industries where being first to market can provide a significant advantage.

Cost efficiency

Staff augmentation often proves more cost-effective than hiring and maintaining a full-time, in-house QA team. You can save on recruitment, training, benefits, and other overhead costs associated with permanent employees.

Flexibility and agility

QA staff augmentation offers flexibility in adapting to changing project needs. Whether you need short-term help for a specific project phase or a long-term partnership, you can find QA professionals who align with your requirements.

Reduced administrative burden

Managing a large in-house QA team can be administratively burdensome. With staff augmentation, the external provider takes care of HR-related tasks, leaving you free to focus on your core business operations.

Access to the latest tools and technologies

QA professionals working with various clients and projects often have access to cutting-edge testing technologies and tools, resulting in more efficient and effective testing processes.

Risk mitigation

Outsourcing QA can help mitigate risks associated with a lack of in-house expertise or resources. Experienced QA professionals can identify and address potential issues early in the development process, reducing the likelihood of costly defects in the final product.

Global talent pool

QA staff augmentation allows you to tap into a global talent pool, giving you access to QA professionals with diverse cultural backgrounds and language skills, which can be particularly valuable for international or multilingual projects.

Focus on core competencies

By outsourcing QA activities, your in-house teams can focus on their core competencies and primary tasks, leading to improved overall productivity and innovation.

Staff augmentation matters for businesses because it provides the flexibility to scale their workforce according to project demands quickly, optimizing resource allocation and reducing costs. This strategic approach ensures quality assurance remains agile and effective in a dynamic business environment. However, selecting the right QA partner and effectively integrating them into your development processes for maximum benefit is essential.

Key Scenarios for QA Staff Augmentation: When Quality Assurance Expertise Matters Most

With its numerous benefits, QA staff augmentation is the ideal solution in various scenarios where businesses require additional QA expertise and resources to optimize their quality assurance processes. Understanding when to leverage this approach is crucial for ensuring efficient testing, meeting project deadlines, and maintaining the highest product quality standards. Here are some common situations to help you recognize when your project demands QA staff augmentation:

SituationWhy QA staff augmentation is needed
Building or expanding QA teamsWhether starting a QA team from scratch or expanding your existing one, staff augmentation provides access to experienced QA professionals who can swiftly integrate into your project.
Meeting tight deadlinesWhen project timelines are pressing, augmenting your QA team ensures comprehensive testing within limited timeframes, preventing critical delays and ensuring on-time project delivery.
Implementing best practicesLeveraging QA experts through staff augmentation enables the introduction of industry best practices, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of both development and QA teams.
Temporary workload surgesIf your in-house QA team is temporarily overwhelmed with workload due to a project's complexity or volume, staff augmentation offers immediate support without the need for permanent hires.
Cost-effective scalingOpting for staff augmentation allows you to scale your QA resources up or down as needed, controlling overhead costs while maintaining a highly skilled team.
Project-specific testingFor short-term projects or specialized testing needs, staff augmentation allows you to hire software testers with the precise skills required for the job.
Quality controlBy augmenting your QA team, you gain complete control over your project's quality and security, ensuring your product meets the highest standards and complies with industry regulations.
Flexible resource allocationStaff augmentation provides the flexibility to allocate resources for various testing types, such as performance, functional, security, or usability testing, adapting to project requirements effectively.

In all these scenarios, QA staff augmentation offers a strategic solution to bolster your quality assurance efforts, mitigate risks, and achieve consistent and reliable product quality.

Common QA Staff Augmentation Services: Tailoring Expertise to Your Project Needs

Staff augmentation companies collaborate with a network of remote professionals available for short-term and long-term project engagements. As a rule, QA staff augmentation providers offer a wide range of services, although some are the most commonly requested and provided. Such services include:

Manual testing. QA professionals perform manual testing to identify and report defects in software applications by following test cases and scenarios; Automated testing. Experts create and execute automated test scripts using testing tools to improve efficiency and coverage; Functional testing. QA teams verify the software functions according to specifications and meet user requirements; Regression testing. Ongoing testing to ensure new code changes do not negatively impact existing functionality; Performance testing. Testing software under varying loads to assess its scalability, responsiveness, and stability; Security testing. Identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the software's security mechanisms and ensuring data protection; Compatibility testing. Ensuring the software functions correctly across various devices, browsers, and operating systems; User acceptance testing (UAT). Involving end-users to validate the software meets their needs and requirements; Load testing. Assessing how the software performs under expected and peak load conditions; Localization and internationalization testing. Ensuring the software is culturally and linguistically suitable for various global markets.

These are the most commonly requested QA staff augmentation services, although providers can customize their offerings to suit the specific needs of each project, ensuring that software is thoroughly tested for quality, performance, and reliability.

Selecting the Right Partner. Primary Criteria for Choosing a QA Staff Augmentation Company

Selecting the right partner for QA staff augmentation stands as a critical decision that can significantly affect the success of your project. Several main criteria should be considered when evaluating potential QA staff augmentation companies.

First, expertise, experience in your industry, and specific testing requirements are paramount. Look for a company with a proven track record in delivering high-quality QA services relevant to your field. Secondly, assess their team's skills and capabilities, ensuring they possess the necessary technical proficiencies and knowledge. Transparency and communication are equally important - choose a partner that maintains open lines of communication and provides regular progress updates.

Also, consider the company's scalability, as your needs may change over time. Scrutinize their past client references and reviews to gauge their reliability and reputation. By prioritizing these criteria, you can identify a QA staff augmentation partner that aligns with your business goals and delivers consistent, top-notch results.

QA Staff Augmentation With Brocoders

Brocoders offers a wide array of services, including:

software development; web and mobile application development; UI/UX design; digital product consulting.

We deliver comprehensive and effective QA solutions to ensure the highest standards of product quality and reliability, empowering businesses to harness cutting-edge technologies and create innovative, user-friendly, and high-performing digital products tailored to their specific needs.

With our expertise and experience across various industries, we can become your trusted partner for QA staff augmentation as our team can proficiently address specific testing requirements, regardless of the sector, offering a comprehensive and adaptable approach to QA. Brocoders strongly emphasize on transparency and communication, fostering a collaborative environment that enables clients to stay informed and engaged throughout the testing process. With a scalable approach to QA staff augmentation, we can readily adjust to changing project needs, ensuring your resources are optimally utilized.

If you’re searching for exceptional QA staff augmentation services that align with your goals and are aimed at delivering top-notch results to your clients, contact us today and let’s elevate your QA process together!

Summing Up

QA staff augmentation has surged in popularity over recent years due to its flexibility, cost-efficiency, and access to specialized skills. As businesses seek to enhance their software quality and expedite development cycles, the demand for QA staff augmentation continues to grow.

This trend is likely to persist and expand in the future, driven by the increasing complexity of software applications, the need for rapid development and deployment, and the ever-evolving technology landscape. As companies recognize the strategic advantages of partnering with external QA experts to maintain high-quality standards while staying agile, QA staff augmentation is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of software development and quality assurance.

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