June 28, 2023

Non Functional Testing: Types, Tools, and Best Practices for Optimal Software Performance

Aleksandr Khomovych

QA Lead

9 minutes

Non-functional testing is a crucial aspect of software testing that focuses on evaluating a software system’s performance, reliability, scalability, usability, and other non-functional aspects. As well as functional testing, this testing type is essential for software development to ensure the product is working as intended. The main difference between non-functional testing from functional type is that while functional testing verifies the compliance of the software with the specified functional requirements, non-functional testing aims to assess its behavior in terms of quality attributes and user experience.

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Source: https://blog.testlodge.com/

Non-functional testing is essential as it helps ensure that a software system meets the functional requirements and performs optimally under different conditions. By examining factors such as response time, resource utilization, security, and user-friendliness, non-functional testing helps identify bottlenecks, vulnerabilities, and usability issues that may go unnoticed. For example, non-functional testing may involve simulating thousands of concurrent users accessing a website to assess its responsiveness and stability, ensuring it can handle peak loads without performance degradation.

Brocoders is a reputable company offering comprehensive QA services to clients seeking top-notch software quality assurance. With our experienced team of QA professionals and a track record of successful projects, we provide first-class testing solutions that guarantee software quality. By utilizing Brocoders services, clients can benefit from in-depth expertise in testing methodologies and tools, ensuring thorough identification of defects and seamless verification of system behavior. Our commitment to rigorous quality control and comprehensive test coverage minimizes the risk of bugs and vulnerabilities, resulting in a stable and secure end product. Keep reading to learn about non-functional testing and our best practices for developing high-quality software that meets industry standards, improves user satisfaction, and drives business success.

What Is Non-Functional Testing? Pros, Cons, And Main Aspects

Non-functional testing is performed to verify the non-functional app requirements like performance, load, usability, security, compatibility, and other quality characteristics. The primary goal of this type of software testing is to test a system’s readiness according to non-functional criteria and confirm the reliability and functionality of the software.

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Source: https://cdn.sketchbubble.com/

In contrast to functional testing, which focuses on verifying that the system performs the intended functions as per the requirements, non-functional testing examines how well the system performs beyond its basic functionality. This type of testing is typically performed after functional testing. Once the functional requirements of a system or software application have been validated and met, non-functional testing is carried out to cover aspects that weren’t covered by functional testing. By conducting functional testing first, any critical defects or issues related to the core functionality can be identified and addressed before proceeding to non-functional testing. This approach helps establish a solid foundation for evaluating and improving the system's non-functional attributes.

Non-functional testing can also be performed concurrently with functional testing in some cases. Certain non-functional aspects, such as usability and security, can be assessed during functional testing to ensure they are adequately addressed. However, comprehensive non-functional testing typically follows functional testing to evaluate the system’s non-functional characteristics thoroughly.

Non-functional testing is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • Improve the product’s effectiveness, usability, portability, and maintainability;
  • Minimize the potential risks and costs associated with the non-functional aspects of a product in production.
  • Improve the product’s installation, configuration, execution, and management.
  • Gather data and metrics on system performance, usability, security, and other non-functional aspects, enabling the identification of areas for enhancement and optimization.

Non-functional testing offers greater security, protecting the system from online threats. It also enhances the system’s efficiency and ensures its capacity for loading so that users can use it concurrently. Also, in the case of non-functional testing, there is no need to write test cases more than once as they never alter. This type of testing ensures that the system is user-friendly, intuitive, and meets the needs of its intended users, leading to improved user experience, higher user adoption rates, and increased customer satisfaction.

Finally, non-functional testing can detect performance bottlenecks, scalability limitations, and potential security threats before they become more complex and costly, resulting in cost savings in maintenance, support, and potential system failures.

While non-functional testing offers numerous benefits, there are also some potential disadvantages to consider. Non-functional testing can be complex and resource-intensive compared to functional testing. It often requires specialized tools, environments, and skilled testers that can increase the cost and effort of conducting comprehensive non-functional testing. This testing can also be time-consuming, especially when dealing with performance, stress, or scalability testing that requires significant amounts of data, simulations, or real-world scenarios.

Non-Functional Testing Types

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Source: https://www.indiumsoftware.com/

Functional testing encompasses various techniques and approaches to verify that a system or software application meets its specified functional requirements. Here are some common types of functional testing with pros, cons, and best use cases for each:

Testing TypeType DescriptionAdvantagesDisadvantagesBest Use Cases
Performance TestingEvaluates system response under varying loads-Identifies performance bottlenecks; -Enhances system reliability; -Improves user experience and satisfaction.-Requires additional time and resources; -Complex setup and configuration; -Requires specialized testing expertise-High-traffic websites or apps; -Performance-critical systems; -Real-time or mission-critical systems.
Security TestingIdentifies vulnerabilities and ensures data safety-Identifies security risks and vulnerabilities; -Enhances data protection and privacy; -Safeguards against unauthorized access.-Requires expertise in security practices; -Can disrupt system functionality; -Complex to test all possible attack vectors.-Apps handling sensitive data; -E-commerce platforms and financial systems; -Systems with secure authentication.
Usability TestingAssesses user-friendliness and ease of use-Identifies usability issues and improvements; -Enhances user satisfaction and adoption; -Improves user productivity and efficiency.-Requires the involvement of diverse user groups; -Subjective evaluation of usability; -Can be time-consuming with large user bases.-Apps with a focus on user experience; -Consumer-facing apps and interfaces; -Mobile apps and responsive web design.
Compatibility TestingEnsures software compatibility across platforms-Identifies compatibility issues and conflicts; -Increases software reliability and versatility; -Enhances user experience across devices.-Requires testing on multiple configurations; -Limited scalability in some testing tools; -Complex setup with different environments.-Apps targeting diverse devices and OS; -Cross-browser compatibility and system integration; -Software integration and interoperability.
Accessibility TestingEvaluates software accessibility for all users-Identifies accessibility barriers for users; -Enhances usability for users with disabilities; -Ensures compliance with accessibility standards.-Requires expertise in accessibility guidelines; -Can be subjective in evaluating accessibility; -Limited automated testing capabilities.-Apps striving for inclusive design; -Apps for government and public services; -Web apps and digital content.
Reliability TestingMeasures the software's ability to perform consistently and without failures over a specified period-Identifies potential reliability issues; -Increases system robustness and uptime; -Ensures the software meets reliability standards.-Requires extensive test planning and execution; -Can be time-consuming with complex scenarios; -Requires a well-defined reliability framework.-Critical systems and apps requiring high reliability and stability; -Systems with strict reliability requirements; -Apps with long-running operations.

Non-Functional Testing Tools

Non-functional testing tools are software apps or frameworks specifically designed to assist in conducting various types of non-functional testing. These tools provide functionalities and features that facilitate the planning, execution, and analysis of non-functional tests. A few examples of popular non-functional testing tools are presented below:

Load Testing Tools

Tools such as Apache JMeter, Gatling, and LoadRunner, help simulate high user loads and measure system performance under heavy traffic. They generate virtual user requests, monitor response times, and analyze system behavior to identify performance bottlenecks.

Security Testing Tools

Security tools like OWASP ZAP, Burp Suite, and Nessus aid in identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the system's security. They perform vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, and code analysis to assess the system's resistance against potential security threats.

Performance Monitoring Tools

Tools for performance monitoring provide real-time insights into system performance. Options like New Relic, AppDynamics, and Dynatrace monitor key performance metrics, track resource utilization, and help identify performance issues in production environments.

Usability Testing Tools

Usability testing tools, including UserTesting, Morae, and Optimal Workshop, assist in evaluating the user experience and usability of the system. These tools enable the creation of usability tests, screen recordings, and user feedback collection to assess the system's ease of use and user satisfaction.

Test Management Tools

JIRA, TestRail, and qTest tools offer capabilities to manage and track non-functional testing activities. They assist in test planning, test case management, defect tracking, and reporting, facilitating efficient test management throughout the non-functional testing process.

Compliance Testing Tools

Compliance testing tools like OWASP Dependency-Check, SonarQube, and Veracode, help ensure compliance with industry standards, regulations, and coding best practices. They analyze code, dependencies, and configurations to identify potential compliance issues and provide recommendations for improvement.

Each of these tools has its features, strengths, and limitations, so it's crucial to evaluate and choose the appropriate option that aligns with the testing objectives and constraints. Usually, the selection of non-functional testing tools depends on the specific testing requirements, the nature of the system or application, and the available budget.

Process of Non-Functional Testing. Main Steps

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Source: https://www.xtivia.com/

The non-functional testing process typically consists of several key stages. Although the specific terminology or naming conventions may vary, the main steps involved in the non-functional testing process usually include:

  • Requirements gathering. During the first stage of the testing process, the QA team works closely with stakeholders, architects, and developers to understand and document the system’s non-functional requirements. It involves identifying the performance expectations, security criteria, usability guidelines, scalability needs, and other relevant non-functional attributes.
  • Planning. Based on the gathered requirements, the testing team creates a comprehensive test plan that outlines the non-functional test objectives, scope, test scenarios, test environment setup, and resource requirements. The plan also defines the testing approach, test techniques, and tools.
  • Test cases design. In this stage, the QA team designs the non-functional test cases and test scripts based on the identified test scenarios. The test design includes determining the test data, selecting appropriate non-functional testing techniques, and outlining the steps to execute the tests.
  • Execution. The non-functional tests are executed according to the test plan and test design. This stage involves setting up the test environment, configuring the necessary tools, and running the tests. Testers monitor and measure the system's performance, security, usability, and other non-functional aspects.
  • Analysis and reporting. Once the tests are executed, the QA team analyzes the test results and compares them against the defined non-functional requirements. Any deviations, issues, or defects are identified, documented, and reported. Test reports, including performance metrics, usability findings, security vulnerabilities, and other relevant information, are prepared to communicate the test results to stakeholders.
  • Defect management and retesting. If any non-functional defects are identified during the analysis phase, they are logged, assigned, and managed in a defect tracking system. The development team addresses these defects, and once fixed, the affected non-functional tests are re-executed to verify the fixes and ensure the system now meets the required non-functional criteria.
  • Test closure. In the final stage, the testing team prepares a test closure report summarizing the overall non-functional testing activities, results, and lessons learned. Documentation is updated, and the final deliverables, including test artifacts and reports, are archived for future reference.

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The non-functional testing process may also overlap or integrate with the functional testing process, and iterative testing cycles may be required to refine and improve the non-functional attributes of the system.

Best Non-Functional Testing Practices

To ensure effective non-functional testing, there are some best practices to consider:

  • Early involvement. Involve non-functional testing activities from the early stages of the SDLC. Collaborate with stakeholders, architects, and developers to understand non-functional requirements and design the system with these requirements in mind.
  • Clear objectives. Define clear and measurable objectives for non-functional testing. Establish specific goals related to performance, security, usability, and other non-functional aspects to guide the testing efforts and provide a benchmark for evaluation.
  • Realistic test environment. Create a realistic test environment that accurately mimics the production environment. Use representative hardware, software, network configurations, and data volumes to ensure accurate performance and behavior analysis.
  • Test automation. Utilize test automation tools and frameworks to streamline and accelerate non-functional testing. Automation helps simulate user loads, generate consistent test data, and perform repetitive tasks, enabling more efficient and reliable testing.
  • Monitoring and performance metrics. Implement robust monitoring mechanisms during testing to capture performance metrics, such as response times, resource utilization, throughput, and error rates. These metrics provide insights into system behavior, help identify bottlenecks, and facilitate performance analysis.
  • Risk-based testing. Prioritize non-functional test cases based on risk analysis and business impact. Focus on critical functionalities, high-risk areas, and scenarios likely to cause performance degradation, security vulnerabilities, or usability problems.
  • Continuous improvement. Embrace a culture of continuous improvement by learning from testing experiences and incorporating feedback into future iterations. Capture lessons learned, update documentation and refine testing strategies based on the insights gained during non-functional testing.

It is only a part of the existing practices for efficient non-functional testing. By adhering to them, organizations can conduct effective non-functional testing that ensures optimal performance, security, usability, and other non-functional attributes of their software systems.

Key Takeaways

Non-functional testing is vital in ensuring software systems' overall quality and success. It goes beyond functional requirements and focuses on critical aspects such as performance, security, usability, scalability, and reliability. By conducting thorough non-functional testing, organizations can mitigate risks, enhance user satisfaction, comply with industry standards, and optimize costs.

At Brocoders, we have the expertise, specialized skills, and knowledge required to assess and evaluate non-functional attributes effectively. Our QA team is well-versed in using specialized tools and techniques and can proactively identify and resolve potential issues. With expertise in performance testing, security testing, usability testing, and compliance testing, we will uncover hidden problems, improve system performance, enhance security measures, and ensure a smooth user experience, delivering our clients high-quality software systems that meet performance expectations, prioritize user satisfaction, safeguard against security threats, and comply with industry standards.

If you are ready to enhance the quality and reliability of your software systems, contact us now to discuss your testing requirements and take your software to the next level.

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